
среда, 14 ноября 2012 г.

Google Pays You!

Just Go To: http://tiny.cc/GooglePays  

I have a System where you can Pay $2.95 and Start
Earning $3,500 Monthly with Google! We Do All the Work Once You Join! Limited Time 

Offer - Act Now! Google Wants To Pay You http://tiny.cc/GooglePays
Google Wants To Pay You!(mobile only) 
Learn How To Get Paid By Google Every Single Monthly That Can Replace A Very High 

Paying Job!
AdSense for search is now powered by Custom Search, meaning publishers have more advanced customization options for their search results and ads. Options include keyword tuning, vertical search, and selecting the placement of ads on search results pages.
For more information, visit http://www.google.com/afs .

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