Let's Begin... http://tinyurl.com/TLCPlatformG
Get The TLC Platform For The Limited Time Offer Of Only $47 - Build A List, Build
A Future!
The TLC Platform will seamlessly build squeeze pages, videos squeeze pages, thank
you pages and download pages for you which is great news as these can be very
intimidating and very time-consuming for most internet marketers.
But, as you have surely heard a million times before 'the money's in the list' and
this is certainly true.
Ever had one of them emails about the 'newest loop hole make money online program
that will make you a millionaire over night' things and actually bough it?
I know I have, well you just made a list builder money!
Now you don't have to push those BS loop hole systems and I hope you don't but the
money really is in the list, these 'gurus' who send you them emails are doing so
to make money from their list not to help you and people buy, in fact if you have
a good list then it's almost impossible NOT to make money!
But unfortunately squeeze pages, video squeeze pages and so on can be pretty
complicated and you really do need a good one to convert which can be pretty
expensive, there are free ones but you wont be getting a flurry of subscribers in
a hurry.
There's 2 kinds of marketers online.
1) Those that are making the money REGULARLY, and...
2) Those that are struggling despite trying everything that is supposed to work
Here's the difference?
One set (the money makers) have squeeze pages and video squeeze pages all over the
web and they are collecting emails 24-7!
A very smart move indeed.
So they can ruthlessly offer them product after product after product.
And these people buy! SERIOUSLY they buy, A LOT!
And the larger their lists grows, the more money they will make it's that simple!
More people want them as JV partners
They win most of the JV and affiliate competitions
They can drive traffic as they want, when they want to any website or product or
service they want.
They make a consistent and healthy online income.
And all through building their list!
Pretty clever huh.
And the other group of people (those not making money) are the ones buying the
'next big loop hole money making, push button software garbage' that these list
builders are offering them through their email list
So all they can do is buy buy buy... but not sell sell sell.
Wanna know the worst part?
People know that the money is in the list, it's no secret, people have known this
for many years.
Yet if you asked anyone whose not making a decent living from the online game I'd
bet my bottom dollar, that they haven't got a mailing list of any significant size
to market to.
The TLC Platform can help you change this, it makes building a list as easy as
pie, so simple to use and set up that you can be up and running in no time and the
designs are so good that you really would have to pay hundreds of dollars for just
one of these money making templates.
With the Total Lead Capture Platform you get over 50 high quality premium style
templates and over 100 high quality premium style templates!
All very customizable and all can be set up in a matter of minutes.
You can add social share buttons and Facebook comments in the touch of a button to
give you instant credit!
This really should be on any serious internet marketers wish list!
This is by far the world's most powerful lead capture creation platform and here's
a) It's newbie friendly with step by step instructional videos
b) you don't need ANY technical skills to use it
c) It has over 50 built-in Premium squeeze page templates for you to choose from
d) It has over 100 built-in Video Squeeze page templates accommodating 8 different
video player sizes.
e) You can add normal videos or youtube videos to any pages you create quickly and
f) you can add social medial elements like facebook "like" and Google +1 buttons
or even Facebook comments to your pages quickly and easily.
g) You don't need to know how to integrate your opt-in code... it does it all for
h) everything element from the headline down to the footer links can be easily
edited from a simple to use control panel.
i) You can create thank you pages in 5 seconds flat
j) you can create download pages and monetize them instantly
and we really are only scratching the surface of what this powerful software can
And here's the best bit...
It literally costs you less than getting ONE professionally designed squeeze page
Don't get left behind chasing every new loop hole system on the planet.
Build a list build a future!

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